This Special
Edition of Behind the Play features Sports Journalism students Logan Clow, Ryan
Dickison, Shawn McLeish and Jaden Snoddon. They highlight the top sports stories
from 2011and McLeish presents a special poem as our Seasons Greetings.
'Twas the - Sports Poem - 2011
Shawn McLeish
‘Twas the night before Christmas
When all throughout sports
Was misinformation
From injury reports.
Upper body sprains,
Cramps, a contusion.
Since when did a“boo-boo”
Cause so much confusion?
While athletes were nestled
All snug in their mansions,
Ravenous owners
Dreamed of expansion.
Albert Pujols was dressed
In his new Angels cap,
Lying on cash
For a long, winter’s nap.
When out on his terrace
Arose such a clatter,
He dispatched his concierge
To see what was the matter.